Saturday, May 12, 2012

Tomorrow.. a day off??

I'm not going to lie Saturday night dinner is starting to give Sunday night dinner a run for its money.. lets be honest most often Sunday night dinner is the dinner night we all look forward to, its the bigger dinner night.. well not when you have my hunny who is becoming a top notch chef! Tonight we had home made Stromboli's in puff pastry instead of regular old pizza dough! Jason's had buffalo chicken and blue cheese and mine had chicken, pepperoni and bacon.. SOO GOOD! I should have taken a picture of them when they first came out of the oven but I forgot that mom had asked me to take pictures so I took pictures after we had already started to eat! Jason said they didn't look nearly as good and mom would think they probably tasted like shit.. haha but I am here to set the record straight.. they were AMAZING! Check it out!

So dinner was spectacular... totally outdoing our thoughts on tomorrows dinner, but I'm really not sure how to top this and I am responsible for dinner tomorrow night as its really my only day off to help out in the cooking department!

Today wasn't terrible, the morning hazelnut creme coffee really helped! Then I had a bit of traffic but now Ive rented everything for May, June and July and I have no move ins or move outs until the end of the month.. I'm screwed! I'm going to be so bored for the next two weeks and seeings how I am the only one who works there with a conscious who feels the need to actually be at work when I'm suppose to I'm super screwed!

I cant wait for tomorrow!! Sleep in, going out to breakfast.. possibly the shooting range.. I just cant wait not to have to go to work!

I hope everyone has a great weekend and again Mothers Day!

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