Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I FINALLY manage to get some sleep after two days of not sleeping and I get woken up first thing in the morning to a ridiculous EARTHQUAKE!! The bed was shaking uncontrollably, the medicine cabinets were opening and slamming shut, the windows were rattling.. I woke up totally dazed wondering what the hell was going on. We get earthquakes here all the time, sometimes a couple small ones a day but that one was by far the worst Ive felt. Nothing seems to be broken so that's a good thing, but I could have gotten another 45 minutes of sleep.. I'm not impressed.

Yesterday was a good day, a slow day at work! However I had a WONDERFUL surprise when at the office working my usual day off on yet another night of no sleep.. check it out..

Barb sent me the most beautiful flowers and a wonderful card.. absolutely made my day!! Sometimes its the unexpected things in life!! Thanks again Barb! I love you!!

Last night we had dinner and went to the gym, and I must tell you the most interesting thing happened last night! We went to the gym and I was doing cardio and all the sudden out of the mens changing room came these two old men.. and I mean old.. and they were both wearing jeans that were way too big with suspenders and one of them had their pants rolled up because they were too long. Honestly I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.. I instantly saw Papa in his Jeans that were too big, rolled up at the bottom and his suspenders. I just stared at them, I watched them walk all the way out the doors, I couldn't help myself.. a little part of my wanted to cry because somehow even after all this time I still miss Papa so much it hurts and thinking about him isn't always easy.. but I couldn't help but smile, I could hear him in my head commenting on how dapper they looked, something smart ass and classic. We came home and I did laundry and made lunches, had a bath and couldn't wait to get into bed! I actually managed to sleep pretty well last night, until about 7am this morning.. when the house started shaking!! Kevin just wrote me and said it was a 4.6 magnitude.. little is what he also said, but it didn't feel little!!

So today should be a long day, Cynthia is taking the day off apparently.. I got up to a message on my facebook wall letting me know! Its actually suppose to be nice out though which is great. Jason said he is planning to grill tonight but our taxes are all fucked up STILL so I think he was also going to try and get an appointment to meet with the accountants tonight, this whole process has been the biggest bunch of bullshit Ive ever encountered in my life!

Anyways I have to get ready for work unfortunately.. LONG WEEK.. but its hump day.. haha for those of you who don't have to work Saturdays like I do! 

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